Always Set Yourself Targets And Work Hard To Achieve Them

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I was always told by my family to always work towards a future goal or target and to ensure that you reached that goal. They told me this would make me a success in life. This article describes the importance of having a goal in life.

I read many books and some time ago, I read a book that described the importance of having both personal and professional goals. In the book’s example, a survey had been carried out at a school. The people surveyed were students who had recently taken their final exams. They were asked to answer various questions, one of which asked, where would you like to be in five years’ time?

Looking back I am sure that if you had asked me that question when I was sixteen, I would have had to put down, that I wanted to be an English teacher simply because English was my favorite subject, not because it was something I had given much thought about, despite my family’s advice to set targets. Later in life, when I gave it a lot of thought, I realized that I really wanted to be an author.

The people who carried out the survey reported that only five percent of the answers were accepted as having a goal. Five years later, the students were tracked down and the five percent of people who had had a goal, when their net asset worths were added together, the total amount was higher than that of all of the other people added together. Now, of course, money is not everything in life, however to me this shows that people who have a goal in life, especially early on, are more likely to be more successful than people who haven’t.

Looking back at my life when I was twenty-two, I had a net asset worth of virtually zero. I had been working toward a goal that wasn’t really mine by attending college for four years, had changed majors, and had little to show for it. I then started to think about the future and started setting some of my own goals. A year later, I finished college and landed my first real job. It involved a lot of writing, which was a good start toward my ultimate goal. Later, I took a new position that involved even more writing and gave me the opportunity to start my first blog. This has helped me in a very big way, to purchase for example my first house.

While I’m still working on writing my own book, I’ve learned a lot of things along the way that will help me be successful when I finally reach my ultimate goal.

about author

Karie Barrett
Karie Barrett

Karie is a results-obsessed marcom, design, and analytics professional with proven success leading corporate marketing, internal communications, and business strategy development for companies across diverse commercial and nonprofit industries.

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