Finding Your Passion and Earning a Living in the Process
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Do you know that you can actually earn a good living from the results of your hard work in finding your passion? And that is not the only reward that you will likely get in the process. If you feel like you are stuck in your current job, you have to rethink your life and where you are taking it. You are the driver of your own destiny and you decide where you will go. But you are only human, so you must be open to mistakes and other challenges that life may bring along your journey.
Living to earn is very different from earning a living. With the latter, you can be more adventurous. Life can be more fun, especially when you are pursuing the things that you really like and earning money in the process. This is the reason why people who have chosen an unlikely route just so they can earn good amount of money will likely feel the downside of their decision at some point on their lives.
Comfort Zone
Are you at a place where you feel like you are already too comfortable? This is not really a good thing. If you have been working the same job, which was not what you really wanted to do deep in your heart, through time, you will still be able to master the craft. You will know how to do your work in such a way as to keep yourself from getting into any trouble. You will get your job done, you will be paid, then you will have to repeat over and over again, doing the same tasks every day. This setup may be giving you enough money to live by, but ask yourself if you are living the life that you really wanted to attain. If your answer is no, then maybe it is time to get out of your comfort zone.
You have to take risks in order to know your capabilities. You must not be afraid to fail because that is part of the path. You just have to learn from your own mistakes.
Earning from Your Passion
If you really love what you are doing, you will eventually excel at it. You can even pursue your passion as a side project aside from your real job. This is ideal for people who are afraid to lose their main source of income. Your passions can actually bring in more cash than your current job if you can utilize them well to your advantage. For example, you are good at writing or painting. You only have to use your talents and hone them and soon enough, you will surprise everyone that your passion has led you to a more profitable source of income.
If you will open yourself to these kinds of possibilities, there will come a time when you can comfortably choose your passion, drop the job that you don’t really like, and earn as much as well. This is a very ideal situation because when you love what you are doing, it will show in the quality of work that you are producing. It will also reflect on how you live your life and your attitude towards anything that you may encounter as you go through it.
But setting the right goals and finding your passion may not be as easy as it seems to be. You really have to think hard about it so that you can be led to the right course.
about author

Karie is a results-obsessed marcom, design, and analytics professional with proven success leading corporate marketing, internal communications, and business strategy development for companies across diverse commercial and nonprofit industries.
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